
Page 2 / News, Trends, Gossip and Stuff To Do : The Inside Scoop : Good Eating Isn’t Just a Flight of Fancy

Who: Lyndon Roberts, 38, flight attendant.

Where: Nature Mart, Los Feliz.

Her Bag: A plastic grocery sack.

Why She’s Here: “Low energy.”

What She Bought:

* Vanilla-flavored soy milk, $2.59: “It’s good in coffee and pancakes.”

* Three protein bars, $2.79 each: “I don’t like in-flight food. I only eat it if I’m desperate.”

* Two peanut butter bars, $1 each: “They taste kind of like Rice Krispie Treats.”

* Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar--one large, $3.29 (for home use), one small, $1.89 (for work): “My friend says it helps you lose weight.”

* Chicken burrito, $2.99 (for her boyfriend).

* Vegetarian burrito, $2.99 (for herself).

* Source of Life vitamins--one month’s supply, $25.79 (“very expensive”).

Total Bill: $52.79.
