

Main Stage:

* “The Philanderer” by George Bernard Shaw. Opens Friday, plays through Oct. 10.

* “The Piano Lesson” by August Wilson, Oct. 15-Nov. 21. Part of series chronicling decade-by-decade the African American experience in the 20th century. This play, which won the 1990 Pulitzer Prize, is set in the 1940s.

* “The Hollow Lands” by Howard Korder, Jan. 7-Feb. 13. A man in search of the American dream sets out from New York in 1815 to cross the nation.

* “All My Sons,” by Arthur Miller, Feb. 18-April 2. A soldier returning from World War II confronts his father, a munitions manufacturer, in Miller’s first Broadway success.


* Play to be announced, April 7-May 14.

* “The Education of Randy Newman,” words and music by Randy Newman, conceived by Michael Roth, Jerry Patch and Randy Newman, May 26-July 2. A new musical without dialogue that arranges Newman’s songs to tell the story of an Everyman from childhood in Louisiana to adulthood in Los Angeles.

Second Stage:

* “True West” by Sam Shepard, Sept. 21-Oct. 24. A dark comedy about a screenwriter verging on a multimillion-dollar deal when his hobo brother appears on the scene.

* “The Summer Moon,” by John Olive, Nov. 2-Dec. 5. The lyrical tale of a Japanese auto executive adrift in 1960s Southern California who is led on an adventure by the people he meets.


* Play to be announced, Jan. 25-Feb. 27.

* “References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot” by Jose Rivera, March 7-April 9. A surrealistic fable set in Barstow that explores the relationship of a career soldier and his intensely romantic wife.

* “The Beginning of August” by Tom Donaghy, April 25-May 28. An amusing and affecting drama about the refugees of a traditional family that has gone on the rocks.
