
Porn Industry

In response to “L.A. Economy’s Dirty Secret: Porn Is Thriving” (Sept. 1), on the porn industry in the Valley: How would you like to have some of this scum operating on your street the way we do, in our beautiful residential area? Why would you dignify this industry by putting this coverage in your paper and on the front page to boot? We would like to get these slimes out of the Valley and you glorify them with this article about how much money they’re raking in, what a profitable industry it is. If it’s so darn profitable, why don’t they take their action to some studio instead of invading family neighborhoods with their fifth?

Who is benefiting from their presence in the Valley besides them? You make it sound like the Valley is gaining revenue from having them here. I’d like to know how, other than renting houses. If I were moving to this area, I sure wouldn’t look for a house in an area known as the porn capital of California! What an insult to the people of the Valley.


