

*, a travel Web site based in Bellevue, Wash., named the Seattle office of McCann-Erickson its agency of record, charging it with developing a nationwide campaign. Billings are estimated at $5 million to $10 million. . . . New York-based AppOnline, an Internet mortgage banker, handed its advertising account to Benenson & Janson of Los Angeles. Billings are estimated at $2 million. . . . Delta Air Lines has named Chicago-based Leo Burnett its new global advertising agency of record. Leo Burnett will assume the worldwide agency role at the end of the year, following a transition from Saatchi & Saatchi, the airline’s current agency. Billings are estimated at $100 million. Saatchi created the “On Top of the World” slogan, which Delta abandoned after learning that consumers thought it referred to Delta’s financial position instead of its service.
