
ESPN Not Only One With an Opinion Here

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds! Mr. Penner should turn his venomous insights toward his own paper. He basically says there is no journalistic value to ESPN [Sept. 7]. It is just a bunch of entertainment and other worthless rubbish.

This, I guess, is opposed to all the valuable sports journalism your current writers provide. I don’t recall the last time I read an article by a Times sportswriter that reported just the game or event being covered. Everything is accompanied by a worthless opinion, anecdote, or solution.

In your self-centered opinion, the print media know all, and your priorities and ethics are in check. The electronic media on the other hand are a bunch of clowning attention mongers who don’t know jack about what they’re reporting.


I don’t expect to see this in the paper Saturday because, well, you need space for your mug shots.


Rancho Santa Margarita
