
Tori, Heather Can’t Out-Glam Club Make-Up

I’ve always dug Tori Spelling, so you can imagine my elbow-rubbing joy when I spotted her snuggling with boyfriend-actor Vincent Young at the Bon Jovi after-party in a tent outside the Forum on Saturday. And what a party it was: free sushi, open bar and Heather Locklear playing hostess.

Man, wish I coulda stayed, but I wasn’t about to miss Club Make-Up’s midnight show, which was one of the hottest in recent memory. Drag queens can serve up the rock, yo, with Bar Marmont hostess-performer Constance owning the night with a smoldering cover of “Sonic Reducer.”

We caught up with promoter Joseph Brooks, who had just gotten off a plane from Madagascar, where he’d spent a month observing the wildlife. I don’t know if it could possibly have been more interesting than the wildlife at Club Make-Up (I’m bringing binoculars next month). . . .


Promoter Dayle Gloria celebrated a year of sobriety Sunday, and clubland celebrated having her back on the scene. Congrats, girl. . . .

It was “A Night at the Roxbury” redux Nov. 29, as Hollywood’s Las Palmas restaurant was flooded with everyone from Britney Spears and beau Justin Timberlake to No Doubt’s Tony Kanal and Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean. Believe me when I say I ran out of there so fast, you could see the sparks flying off my platforms. Although I’m stoked to see promoter Brent Bolthouse own Wednesdays again, I was ready to pummel a few star worshipers. Truly, they need to get a life (or at the very least, a callback). Anyway, now that I know the password, I’ll go back when I’m in the mood for a good brawl. . . .

I high-tailed it over to Beauty Bar, where I caught up with Coyote Shivers and Bryan Rabin, who invited me to follow him to Deep for some truly awful karaoke. I managed to catch up with owner Ivan Kane, who looks like a handsome version of Anthony Newley. . . .


Ended the night at the Pretty Ugly Club at Dragonfly, where Motochrist’s Danny Nordahl told me the band’s going to be on TV. Sellouts! (hehe). . . .

Bum-rushed my way into a fresh young scene at the El Camino Club on Cahuenga Boulevard, where the Rhythm Room All-Stars were taking guests higher at a bimonthly Wednesday promotion called Fillet O’Soul. If you wanna groove for yourself, head down to the Shaolin Temple on Friday night in downtown L.A. . . .

Be sure to tune in next week for a Buzz first: Club Girl Storms New York. Let’s just say sparks are gonna fly.
