
Naval Captain Named Schools Technology Chief

A U.S. Navy captain has been named to the new position of chief information officer of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Margaret Klee, most recently chief executive officer for the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station in San Diego, will become responsible for all technology operations in the district, including information systems and technology in the classroom.

Supt. Roy Romer said Klee will be asked to build a system to deliver integrated financial, student performance and test score information to schools and the 11 subdistricts.


In a 22-year Navy career, Klee was a strategic planner for technical systems in Europe and a member of the Joint Staff, Command and Control Directorate, the most senior staff of the U.S. military.

“Her broad range of experience in information systems management brings an unparalleled expertise to the district that will help us vastly improve the way we gather and deliver data about the district, schools and students,” Romer said.

Officials said Klee has begun her transition into the $190,000-a-year position, but does not have a specific start date, pending her retirement from the military.
