
Jesse Jackson

* Re “Jackson Calls for Protest of Florida Vote,” Dec. 19: If the election played out the same but Al Gore ended up winning, then Jesse Jackson would not be complaining. His concern about uncounted votes in Florida is disingenuous and reveals an amazing ability to ride current issues to further his political agenda. Fact is, every state does not count every vote cast. The reasons are multifaceted and generally not malevolent. It would be better for us all if Jackson would work with the appropriate agencies to make voting more accurate rather than throw fuel on the fire of voter discontent for his own political and personal gain.


Santa Monica


Where are our Democratic leaders? Depending on the polls, between 30% and 40% of the American populace--almost entirely Democratic--does not recognize George W. Bush as the legitimate president-elect. My husband and I, along with many of our friends, feel this way and plan to be protesting on Inauguration Day. Why is the Rev. Jackson the only one out there speaking on our behalf?

It is truly making some Democrats believe it would be best to register as independents, if the party fails to support us. Bush was appointed president by the partisan U.S. Supreme Court, and any Democrat (are you listening, Rep. Richard Gephardt?) who does not vocalize our feelings will never reach national office. Angry Democrats who believe this election was tainted are simply not going to disappear in a few weeks.



Laguna Woods


Memo to Jackson: A U.S. Supreme Court “coup d’etat” trumps an attempted Florida Supreme Court one every time.


Westlake Village
