
Safe Day-Care Group Receives $35,000

Sierra’s Light Foundation, a Costa Mesa group formed by parents of two children killed last year, has received a $35,000 grant from the Orange County Children and Families Commission.

Group founder Cindy Soto said she is “very happy and excited.” Her daughter Sierra, 4, and Brandon Wiener, 3, were killed in May 1999, when Steven Allen Abrams plowed through their schoolyard in a car. Brandon’s mother, Pamela Wiener, is also an active member of Sierra’s Light.

The group is dedicated to making day-care centers safer for young children. The new grant, the largest donation the group has received so far, will be used to assess current safety mechanisms and requirements of preschools and day-care centers in Orange County, Soto said.


“We would like to create a database of that information,” she said. “That way, we can start working on how we can provide help to those who need it the most.”

Abrams was convicted of murder and was sentenced Monday to life in prison.
