
First Hearing Set on Goleta’s Bid To Become City

From Associated Press

Evaluation of a Goleta cityhood proposal begins Friday with the first hearing to set the limits of a mandatory financial analysis.

The state’s Local Agency Formation Commission, required by law to determine if incorporation is financially prudent, was asked by the grass-roots Goleta Roundtable to analyze three alternative city boundaries.

The group also wants the commission to examine the possibility of annexing part or all of the Goleta Valley to the city of Santa Barbara.


The Goleta Now! group, which qualified its cityhood plan for LAFCO consideration by collecting petitions with 4,800 signatures, wants a vote in November.

Goleta Roundtable favors a go-slow approach. The only way to determine if those ideas could work is by impartial study, they say, and the handiest method is to piggyback them onto LAFCO’s analysis of the Goleta Now! proposal.
