

Holy Trinity: “Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that she opposes the legalization of same-sex marriages. She said, ‘Marriage should remain as it has always been, between a woman, a man and his intern.’ ” (Conan O’Brien)

Rock the Vote: “President Clinton says he plans in the next election to vote here in New York City--this is nice--so he can vote for his wife. You know, I think that’s nice. I think the last time he actually voted for a woman, she was wearing a wet T-shirt.” (David Letterman)

Trump Card: “Some sad news. Donald Trump has broken up with his 25-year-old supermodel girlfriend. Michael Douglas kept saying to him, ‘Twenty-five? What are you still doing with that old hag?’ ” (Jay Leno)


Trump Card II: “You hear why they broke up? Apparently she accidentally started a conversation that wasn’t about him.” (Leno)


Chris Pina’s Essential Daily List

Rejected TV Game Shows

* “Who Wants to Be a Legionnaire?”

* “Come on Down, You Greedy Bastards!”

* “Wheel of Torture”

* “The Crying Game”

* “Bowling for Therapy”

* “The Newly Dead Game”

* “Twenty-One Really Easy Questions”

* “The Price Is Death”

* “What’s My Fine?”

Send us a line: Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
