
Abortion and GOP

* Abortion remains the key issue for social conservatives (Jan. 23). Their standard-bearer, Gary Bauer, holds a memorial at the grave of an “aborted baby thrown into a sewer,” and Bauer was honest in clarifying “Baby Isaiah” was actually stillborn. Clearly the mother in this case could not, or would not, seek an abortion. The circumstances might also suggest a lack of prenatal care and a need for secrecy. Is this result preferable to abortion?

One of the principal targets of these conservatives is the Planned Parenthood organization, whose primary focus of education and safe, effective birth control would help prevent such tragedies. At the risk of appearing unfeeling, pro-lifers may indeed be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.




* So I hear George W. Bush telling the voters that he is pro-life. How can this be, I ask myself, when he has sent more persons to their deaths as governor of Texas? Is there a difference between abortion and the death penalty?



Santa Barbara
