
Some Energy Solutions

The simple reason the power system in California is over-stressed and that there are wild gyrations in price is that there are too few power plants [“California’s Demand for Electricity Tests Power-Grid Operator,” July 6]. The state has intentionally made it difficult to build plants of any sort.

The large base-load nuclear units that have been a major power source are under continual attack. Natural gas plants emit pollutant ozone and nitrogen oxides. So-called alternative power sources, when viewed more closely, also have problems.

We need to become much more practical and less ideologically pure about energy, because there is no perfect solution. Our industries increasingly demand high-quality, reliable power. We can furnish that power, or we can watch those companies leave for other states that are willing to meet their needs.


There are two imperfect solutions to provide large amounts of electricity: fossil fuel power plants and nuclear power plants. If we are serious about reducing global warming and reducing air pollution, and we should be serious, then the choice is clear. Build more nuclear power plants!


Costa Mesa
