
Tainted Honor in Atkins Case

Kudos for the crucial moral lesson communicated so well in the article about Herman Atkins’ false imprisonment and exoneration through DNA evidence (“Worst-Case Scenario,” by Fred Dickey, June 25). The moral lesson, however, was stained indelibly through the actions of attorneys Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld of the Innocence Project, which obtained Atkins’ release. Most of us will never forget how Scheck and Neufeld misused their expertise by pursuing a policy of obfuscation concerning the DNA evidence presented in the O.J. Simpson trial. The shameful stain of that charade neutralizes any honor the Atkins case might bring to them or the Innocence Project.

Stuart Dauermann



It’s wrong to be blamed for something you didn’t do, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for Atkins. The families of the two police officers he shot and wounded may feel this way too. Putting Atkins in jail may have saved lives.

Mark Kehlenbeck

Canoga Park
