
How About ‘Darren Bewitches Tiger’?

Darren Clarke dominates the match play final and what sort of headlines do we get? “Tiger Loses!” How about “Clarke Dominates Final”? After all, he won, didn’t he?

Enough already! Tiger Woods is not standing in the pocket about to be sacked by Mike Singletary. He is not standing in the batter’s box facing Nolan Ryan’s fastball. He is not driving down the lane with Shaq about to slam the ball back into his face. He’s not even atop a 3,000-pound racehorse going 35 mph. It’s only golf, for crying out loud!

GLENN M. LANGDON, Garden Grove


So Thomas Bonk believes Darren Clarke performed as if he “just found out there was a sale on pints” [Feb. 28]. Well, then, if I may be so bold, had the results of the match been reversed at La Costa, would you then say Tiger played as though he had just found out there was a sale on fried chicken and collard greens?


