
Elliott’s Miracle

Associated Press

Chronology of Sean Elliott’s recovery from kidney transplant:

* June 25, 1999--Sean Elliott sets up Avery Johnson for game-winning shot as the San Antonio Spurs defeat New York to win their first NBA championship.

* July 21, 1999--Elliott, close to kidney failure because of the disease focal glomerulosclerosis, announces he needs a kidney transplant soon.

* Aug. 16, 1999--Elliott’s older brother, Noel, donates one of his kidneys as Elliott undergoes transplant surgery at Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital.


* Aug. 21, 1999--After doctors discover a urinary problem in his kidney area, Elliott has surgery again to correct the situation.

* Aug. 25, 1999--Elliott leaves the hospital.

* Dec. 23, 1999--Elliott is discharged after another hospital stay because of pneumonia. He later describes the bout with the illness as a major setback in his plans to resume playing basketball.

* Feb. 2, 2000--After months of working out on his own, Elliott is cleared on his 32nd birthday for full practices with the Spurs.


* March 14, 2000--Elliott returns to playing for the Spurs, making history as the first pro athlete in a major sport to resume his career after a kidney transplant.
