
Davis Signs Bills

Gov. Gray Davis signed the following bills into law this week. He has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto about 1,000 others. Most of the measures Davis signs will take effect Jan. 1.

Prescriptions--A new law clarifies that it is illegal to sell prescription drugs or any substance purported to be prescription drugs without a license. Sponsored by Los Angeles County, the law spares health officers from having to prove with laboratory tests that certain drugs are prescription drugs in order to shut down unlicensed pharmacists. AB 751 by Assemblyman Martin Gallegos (D-Baldwin Park).

Crop Vandals--Vandals who attack experimental crops grown by academic researchers will be liable for fines twice the value of the crops destroyed or damaged. The law is a reaction to at least eight attacks on crops grown by the University of California, most recently the destruction last month of 2,000 genetically modified corn plants at UC San Diego. AB 2510 by Assemblywoman Helen Thomson (D-Davis).


Boating--Passing safety classes will be mandatory for anyone convicted of a moving violation while operating a boat. The state Department of Boating and Waterways will certify such courses. AB 2045 by Assemblyman George Nakano (D-Torrance).

Wine--Small-time vintners who once could only show their wares at certified farmers markets may get a state license to sell the wine they produce at such farmers markets. AB 2520 by Helen Thomson.

Birds--Fines increase from $1,000 to $5,000 for those who harm or destroy migratory or non-game native birds or their nests. AB 1178 by Assemblyman Peter Frusetta (R-Tres Pinos).


Media--Clarifies the rights of journalists; includes provision that testimony or evidence provided by journalists under court subpoena does not constitute a waiver of their constitutional right to protect a news source. AB 1860 by Assemblywoman Carole Migden (D-San Francisco).
