
Separating Self-Interest From National Purpose

Neal Gabler’s “A Nation Longing for a Higher Cause” (Opinion, June 24) was the typical propaganda promulgated by the socialist left-wing today. American workers labor diligently for their sustenance, and rather than wanting Americans to benefit from the fruit of their labor, Gabler believes legislated theft through taxation is somehow in the nation’s best interest. He portrays tax relief as if the government is “providing people with more money.” It’s our money! We earned it.

Interestingly enough, Gabler does want the government to provide money to people--to those who haven’t earned it. Finally, Gabler talks a lot about a “national interest” but fails to say what it could be (other than taxing American workers right into poverty). It’s in our Constitution, Mr. Gabler, and you only need read it to find out what it is.

In the end, Gabler simply wants to replace national interests with socialist interests, and one only wishes he knew the difference between the two.


Frank Grau Jr.

