
Bush Administration Pollutes the EPA

* Thank goodness for Arianna Huffington’s courage to speak out about the hypocritical Bush II regime as it tramples over civil rights, workers’ rights, the economy and now . . . the world’s environment (“Better to Resign Than Be a ‘Good Soldier,’ ” Commentary, March 20). Ah, if only Christie Whitman was as brave as Arianna’s fictitious “draft letter.” A resignation from the head of the EPA might put at least a little public spotlight on what is really going on--the bargain-basement sale of our nation to corporate interests whose only concerns are their own wallets.


Del Mar


* Alma Herman (letter, March 19) is mistaken. Carbon dioxide in the air is not harmful to people’s health. (In fact, it is an essential nutrient for plants.) What is harmful to health is freezing in the dark or being in a collision caused by nonoperating traffic signals. Forcing existing power plants to reduce their output of carbon dioxide probably would result in less electricity being generated.

Unlike most pollutants, carbon dioxide is not some minor impurity that can be removed fairly easily. It is what you get when you burn carbon, which is a major constituent of all common fuels (except nuclear fuel) and of all food.





* While Godfather W. took the lead in killing carbon dioxide regulations, Whitman has now proved that she is a loyal recruit to the Bush pro-pollution Mafia by pulling the trigger herself on arsenic protection (March 21).


Costa Mesa
