
It’s a Blast From the Past for Lakers

Now these are the guys I recognize: Magic Bryant, Shaquille Abdul-Jabbar, Byron Fisher, Rick Cooper and Horace Rambis!

Kenny Williams

Los Angeles


Thank you, Mr. Cleamons, for being such a good Phil-in.

Trevor McKendrick

Temple City


Scary isn’t how effortlessly Kobe is blossoming in the playoffs like a seasoned veteran. Scary isn’t how he and the Lakers have sliced through Portland, Sacramento and San Antonio like a hot knife through butter. Scary isn’t even the fact that this wunderkind is only 22.

Scary is me jumping high off the couch in excitement during Monday’s game and having my foot land awkwardly on my remote control, narrowly missing breaking my ankle which in turn would’ve kept me indoors and [made me miss] out on attending possible upcoming championship festivities and parades in June.


Mark J. Featherstone

Windsor Hills


Shaq and Kobe slam dunk their egos and play like a team. Awesome!

Robert O. Young

West Covina


Please stop the talk about comparing Kobe and M.J., it’s insulting to the greatest player in the world--Kobe!

Michael Labrador



It’s a good thing David Robinson attended the Naval Academy because they had to teach the Admiral how to go down with his ship.

Brad Glasman

