
CaliFlorida Bowl Is Set for Jan. 2

The third CaliFlorida Bowl all-star football game will be Jan. 2 at Cal State Fullerton’s Titan Stadium. Game time is to be announced.

The previous games had been in June each year, with Florida winning, 17-14, last summer and California winning the inaugural game, 21-11, in 2000.

“We knew that there would be a lot of excitement in Southern California this year with the Rose Bowl hosting the [college] national championship [game], and these marquee players deserve the opportunity to play during a time when the country will be turning to California for the best football played by today’s student-athletes,” said Steve Clarkson, president of Air 7 Sports, the game’s promoter.


The game will be televised on Fox Sports Net.


Registration Begins for Youth Flag Football

Registration is underway for an NFL regional youth flag football tournament scheduled for Oct. 14 at Wilson High in Hacienda Heights.

There are three age/player divisions: 9-11 coed, 12-14 girls and 12-14 boys. The tournament is one of eight regional events around the nation, with champions meeting Nov. 17 in Orlando, Fla.

Parents or guardians can get information and register teams by calling 1-800-NFL-SNAP by Sunday.
