
Events at a Glance


As bombing in Afghanistan resumes after slackening for a Muslim day of prayer, a Pentagon official says terrorist leader Osama bin Laden has been fortifying Taliban front-line forces with members of an elite guard known as Brigade 55.


Photographs released by the Pentagon depicting pockmarked runways and shattered aircraft portray a successful U.S. bombing campaign in Afghanistan, but military experts say that the carefully selected images reveal far less than meets the eye.


Pressing its “financial war” against terrorists, the Bush administration freezes the assets of more than three dozen people, businesses and charitable organizations. The freeze list includes the names of several alleged senior aides to Osama Bin Laden.



An NBC News employee in New York has contracted a rare skin form of anthrax, the first appearance of the disease outside Florida since the World Trade Center attacks, federal officials said. The incident has not been linked to the attacks, but is being investigated as a crime.
