
Time to Count Chickens When City Votes to Split

Re “New Plan Leaves Secessionists Feeling Down in the Valley,” Oct. 8: Hooray for the Los Angeles Local Agency Formation Commission’s rejection of the complicated “divorce agreement” between City Hall and the folks who want to secede from Los Angeles. One of the biggest problems with the original study was that it tried to divide all the assets and liabilities without anyone really knowing what the city owns or how much it’s worth. The study was far too complex.

With the new study, nobody has to waste time counting chickens before they’re hatched. If the election shows that voters want smaller, more manageable communities, that’s when officials from the new cities can take an accurate inventory, get it appraised and decide who gets what.

LAFCO now needs to decide the actual percentage of the total assets and liabilities that should be allocated to each new city.


Walter N. Prince

Director, Northridge/Porter

Ranch Chamber of Commerce
