
Think Clearly Before Choosing Your Allies

As a concerned Afghan American, I follow the current news with a great deal of anxiety. “Afghan Rebels’ Envoy Puts a Face on the Fight” (Oct. 10) gives unwarranted space to the tall tales of the “lead spokesman” for the Northern Alliance. I would like to be given equal opportunity to expose his blatant lies and shameless demagoguery.

Can they show us where, before Sept. 11, they mentioned the words “terrorist,” “Arabs,” “Bin Laden,” “Arab terrorist”? Any speeches by any of their leaders? Did any of their publications mention the above? Were not all their efforts directed to ousting the Taliban, which had driven them from power? Are they really peace-loving, democratic, civil-minded citizens of the world, or are they a bunch of common criminals, rapists and butchers, worse than the Taliban? Was it not one of their allies, Abu Sayyaf (himself a Wahabi like Bin Laden), who invited the Arabs into Afghanistan? Did they not have Arabs among their ranks?

Asad S. Farhad

Yorba Linda
