
Photo IDs Don’t Show the Whole Picture

Re “Civic Center Security Called Too Restrictive,” Oct. 20: Our government protects our liberty interests with liberty infringement. The least it could do is do it effectively. Gee, could a terrorist get a fake photo ID? Well, yes. In an alley four or five blocks north, near Olvera Street in Los Angeles, anybody, and I mean anybody, can buy a photo ID indistinguishable from a state-issued ID. What is required? Why, $100 and a small tip.

G. Michael Pogue

La Crescenta

Will someone please tell USC law professor Erwin Chemerinsky that the Land of Oz and Utopia no longer exist. After admitting that public safety is essential, how can he possibly disassociate a photo ID from security; they go hand in hand. Someone not wanting to show a photo ID probably has something to hide, aside from his or her hairstyle. Obviously he or she should be denied access to open meetings in order to protect the safety of attendees who gladly submit to photo ID checks.

Paul Bernstein

Beverly Hills
