
Shubert Closing

I am dismayed and appalled to learn of the planned demolition of the Shubert Theatre to make room for yet another office building (which will no doubt have much vacant, unleased space) (“Loss of Shubert Alters Face of L.A. Theater,” by Don Shirley, Aug. 29).

What does this say about Los Angeles, a major city already so devoid of cultural venues? We no longer have world-class ballet; it is diverted to Orange County. The Music Center downtown requires a major expenditure of time and money to attend. The Shubert is accessible and convenient for those on the Westside or anyone not wishing to fight downtown congestion, and offers an alternative location to the Music Center and Orange County. It is an embarrassment and a shame that Los Angeles gives so little support to theater and prefers to destroy the Shubert rather than using it.


Los Angeles


The demolition of the Shubert sounds a sour note on our theatrical scene. However, perhaps it might spark a rethinking of the rejuvenated Hollywood area. With the coming of the Kodak Theatre, the operating Pantages, the mostly empty Henry Fonda and the Doolittle, perhaps we will see the blossoming of a real theater district. We still have the vacant Warner Pacific to add to the mix. Are we ready?



Palm Springs
