
Take Responsibility for Global Warming

The alarming environmental problems described on the Russian side of the Bering Sea are unfortunately not limited to Russia (“Arctic Ice and Way of Life Melting Away for Eskimos,” March 31). Toxic contamination, declining wildlife and fish populations and the dramatic warming of the Arctic climate are also evident in communities on the U.S. side of the Bering Sea.

Problems with the Bering Sea ecosystem affect all Americans because it is the source of more than half of our seafood. It is also home to the majority of seabirds in the U.S. and large populations of marine mammals.

Indeed, the U.S should be the leader in efforts to address the crisis in the Bering Sea since we bear a disproportionate share of the responsibility. We lead the world in greenhouse gas emissions, the likely cause of global climate change and the warming around the Bering Sea.


Margaret Williams

Director, Bering Sea Ecoregion

World Wildlife Fund Washington
