
School Soda Ban: How Sweet It Is

Thank you very much for “L.A. Schools Set to Can Soda Sales” (Aug. 25). As a registered dietitian, I firmly support a ban of soda from the L.A. Unified School District schools. Our children need to get “used to water” and to drink a beverage other than “something that has sugar.” I congratulate Veronica Reyes’ mother for at least trying to make her daughter drink water. Many parents don’t even attempt to teach other hydration methods to their children. No wonder the incidences of obesity and diabetes have risen coincidently with soda intake.

By banning soda at schools we would not be “taking away” any extracurricular activities. We can easily teach our children to save the money they would have otherwise spent on their daily sodas for something they can at least gain physical activity from--say, a school dance.

Shannon K. Duffy

Santa Monica


Banning sodas from schools: another case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Why not simply ban sugar in the drinks? Diet sodas would give students the carbonation and taste they enjoy without adding calories and would continue to earn those badly needed payments (from beverage companies). A sugar-free, win-win solution.


Gerald Adler

Los Angeles
