
Spitzer vs. Tom Coad: Blame Makes Rounds

Re “Spitzer Quits O.C. Board Early,” Nov. 20:

In preparation for Assemblyman-elect Todd Spitzer’s journey to Sacramento, he stumbled and displayed a disturbing characterization of poor taste.

The Times photo pictured him in the background with arms stretched, prepared to strangle board Chairwoman Cynthia Coad. Although his gesture was an antic, I can’t help recalling that a similarly unsound gesture -- a raised middle finger -- by another politician created passionate outrage by then-candidate Spitzer. Now, Spitzer “has some fun” by simulating the strangulation of a woman. That speaks volumes and reminds each of us that it is hard to become No. 1 but even more difficult to remain there. I suggest that he watch the 1957 film classic “A Face in the Crowd” to understand that we should never forget from where we came because we can return there mighty fast.

Mitch Goldstone



During my naval career, I never saw a more perfect shot over the transom while egressing a combat area. Well done, Mr. Spitzer! In the parlance of cryptography, you broke the Coad.


Chad Ohanian



When Tom Coad charges “that there are morally bankrupt people in politics,” perhaps he should look in the mirror. Spitzer’s “calculated trick” thwarting his candidacy for supervisor ensured that a carpetbagger belatedly registered at a guest house in the district he hoped to represent did not have the legal grounds to buy a seat with his considerable financial means.

Of all the members of the Board of Supervisors, Todd Spitzer is the one who did more to fight special interests to improve the quality of life for residents. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from him as he moves to the state Assembly, and we’ll all be better off as a result.

Richard Plavetich

Laguna Beach
