
Vincent on 9/11 and the Economy

Re “Beware the Barbies at the Gate,” Commentary, Jan. 24:

First, if America truly ran the world, as Norah Vincent so childishly implies of American foreign policy, something of the magnitude of the World Trade Center act would never have happened. Second, it is the arrogance of people who put out statements like that which fans anti-American flames here and abroad.

Jingoist garbage and propaganda during times of international unrest are the equivalent of trying to extinguish a forest fire with gasoline.

John R. Singleton

Los Angeles


I do not know if America will experience the same fate as the Roman Empire. But you may not be aware that a “barbarian” is at our gates at this very moment. Loath as I am to paint the following dreadful scenario, I foresee that what will crush this country is not a Bin Laden or a galactic force or a flawed emperor, but the availability of too many choices. In the not-too-distant future the entire populace of this country will be absolutely immobilized by indecision.


This will occur with a startling suddenness as our collective brains collapse while attempting to process all the choices presented to us on the shelves of our stores. For those of you who may be prone to scoff at this notion I invite you to visit the household cleaner section of your market or the cosmetics counters of department stores or the Internet. Undoubtedly a few will be spared this horrific event and survive to found a simpler America.

Donald L. Hager

Los Angeles
