
It’s All Lewis

Associated Press

*--* Round-by-round of the heaveyweight title fight Saturday at The Pyramid in Memphis, Tenn., between Lennox Lewis and Mike Tyson. For Lewis’ WBCand IBF belts: ROUND 1 * Tyson comes out jabbing, and Lewis jabs back. Tyson bulls Lewis into corner and Lewis lands two right uppercuts. Tyson misses wildly with left hook. Lewis holds Tyson. Referee Eddie Cotton separates the fighters. They clinch again. Tyson backs Lewis up with left jab. Lewis holds Tyson. Tyson lands a left hook with 50 seconds left. Lewis holds again and Tyson pushes him into ropes. Lewis lands jab and misses right LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 2 * Tyson comes out and they clash heads. Lewis is warned by Cotton for throwing an elbow after Tyson complains. Lewis lands a right uppercut 30 seconds in. Lewis begins jabbing and Tyson misses a wild left hook. Lewis lands another uppercut at 1:46 of the round. Lewis is warned again by Cotton for holding. Tyson rushes in and is caught with a right uppercut. With a minute left, Lewis begins using a jab, landing four or five. Lewis lands an uppercut with 15 seconds left LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 3 * Tyson head-butts Lewis as round opens. Lewis towers over Tyson and pushes him off when he comes inside. Again, they clinch and Cotton forces them apart. Lewis is throwing jabs, dancing around with 1:30 left. Lewis is controlling the fight with his jab and Tyson can’t find the range. Tyson hits on Lewis’ ribs while they clinch. Tyson tries to move his head to avoid the jab but it still lands. Tyson lands a left hook with 47 seconds left, his biggest punch. Tyson is cut on the right eye. Blood is running from the cut. Lewis works on the cut. Lewis lands good right as the bell sounds LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 4 * Tyson rushes out again but is tied up and Lewis lands two jabs. Lewis lands a big right hand with 2:25 left. Lewis misses a left but lands a right. He is pushing Tyson around. Lewis jabs Tyson, who appears confused and unable to do anything to keep Lewis off him. Lewis’ confidence is growing. He hits Tyson with two jabs and a right uppercut midway through the round. Lewis lands a big right with 1:14 left as Tyson tries to hold him. Lewis hits Tyson with two big rights. Tyson swings wildly with 40 seconds left. Tyson is desperately trying for a big punch but can’t land it. Lewis jabs him, then hits him with a right hand and Tyson goes down on his back with 10 seconds left. Cotton rules it a slip LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 5 * Lewis lands his jab early. Tyson is simply standing in center of ring taking it, unable to punch. Lewis lands an uppercut, then Cotton stops the fight and talks to Lewis again for pushing. Tyson is an easy target for Lewis’ jab. Lewis jabs again late in the round. Tyson is unable to get off a punch and is beaten to the punch LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 6 * Tyson’s corner is trying to prevent swelling on both his eyes. Lewis hits Tyson then pushes him across the ring. He seems to have no fear of Tyson’s power. Lewis lands a big left-right with 2:15 left. Tyson tries to throw a right and misses, then misses another and they clinch. Lewis lands a succession of jabs midway through the round, then a right hand that backs Tyson up. Lewis is pushing Tyson off when he clinches. Tyson finally lands a right hand but it doesn’t faze Lewis LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 7 * Lewis has some swelling under his left eye. Tyson is cut over both eyes. Lewis is dominating with his jab. Lewis lands two jabs and a right, then is warned again by Cotton for using elbow. Action slows in this round, but Lewis’ jab is still accurate. Tyson is bleeding from the nose and from cuts on his eyes. With 23 seconds, Lewis left lands good left and right and Tyson hits him below the belt. Lewis buckles Tyson’s knees with a right hook with eight seconds left LEWIS’ ROUND ROUND 8 * In the seventh round, Lewis landed 31 punches to four for Tyson. Now he comes out and jabs some more. Tyson lands a right to the body and Lewis begins circling him. Lewis lands a right and then a left uppercut. Tyson’s knees buckle and Cotton rules it a knockdown. Lewis goes after him, landing a right with 1:18 left. Lewis batters Tyson with lefts and rights. Tyson throws a wild right, but he has nothing left. Lewis’ right hand crumples Tyson on canvas. He’s on his back and tries get up at eight. The fight is stopped

