
Hateful Article

Re “Saudi Editor Retracts Article That Defamed Jews,” March 20: The Times is to be complimented for the coverage of the recent revival of the old, anti-Semitic blood libel issue. That such a report could still appear in Al Riyadh, a newspaper controlled by the Saudi government, in 2002 shows how deep is the hatred of non-Muslims (specifically Jews and Christians).

Egyptian editor Adel Hammouda’s remark that there is nothing governments can do to stop the spread and expression of anti-Semitic feelings is ridiculous. As soon as the U.S. government brought this matter to the attention of the Saudi government, the editor of Al Riyadh found an “excuse” to explain how such an article appeared in his paper.

If such lies and hatred are not nipped in the bud, they will continue to bring forth another generation of hatred.


Jack de Lowe

Raanana, Israel
