
School Overcrowding Contributed to Tragedy

Re “2 Girls Killed When Car Jumps Curb at O.C. School,” March 13:

In all the letters and articles that I’ve seen since the tragic death of two schoolgirls at Centralia Elementary School, there’s been no mention of school populations.

Most Anaheim elementary schools were built to hold 650 students, yet more than double that number now attend at each site. For many years, “Notice of Severe Overcrowding” signs were posted in school offices because Anaheim didn’t build a new school in over 30 years.

As a parent and a homeowner in Anaheim, I was thrilled to see the passage of elementary and high school district bond issues on March 5. I hope that some of the money will help alleviate the tremendous crowds at our schools and, perhaps, more traffic tragedies can be averted.


Tasneem Watts

