
Some Angel Fans Are Still in the Clouds

My wife and I are 43-year Angel fans and 10-year season-ticket holders. You can call the 2002 Angel season a fluke, a miracle or pure luck but it doesn’t change things. It was a wonderful, magical once-in-a-lifetime experience.

We saw every home game, every playoff and World Series game. Our house is filled with 2002 Angel pictures, DVDs, books, autographs, baseballs, pins, posters and collages. The 2002 season is euphoric to relive!

And guess what? Red Sox and White Sox fans would give anything for a 2002 Angel season.

Jerry Mazenko

Garden Grove


In his Sunday column, entitled “A Classic Fall with Heads in the Clouds” about the Anaheim Angels, Ross Newhan poses a haunting question: “Was 2002 a fluke?” Sadly, that appears to be the case. The only question now is whether the Angels or the Texas Rangers will end up in the division cellar.


In light of this situation, Angel advertisement writers should immediately halt the radio commercials that seek to re-create World Series excitement. Those ads usually begin with an exuberant, “The Halos are back!”

Well, they’re not. The instant I hear these commercials I turn off the radio. They make the contrast between the ’02 Angels and the ’03 Angels razor sharp.

Joanne Gamlin

Santa Monica
