
Visitors to Disney Hall Get a Cold Shower

Having read in The Times that the new Walt Disney Concert Hall would allow self-guided tours during November, my husband and I set forth. After inching up the 5 Freeway from Fullerton, we arrived and paid $17 to park. We took the escalator to the second floor, where we were told that we were not allowed to see the auditorium. People were posted outside most doors to keep tourists out.

As we hoped to see more than the lobby, we went out a door on the second floor (level three) to the garden. By this time it was raining, so our visit to the garden and the Delft fountain was cut short. We turned to go back in the building, and a guard told us that we could not reenter and that we would have to go out the ramp and back on Grand Avenue through another door. By the time we got to the next entrance we were soaked. We felt we were in a remake of “The Out-of-Towners.” Now that the red carpet has been rolled up and the movie stars have gone home, it looks like another case of “the public be damned.”

Mimi Loupe

