
The Forests Aren’t for Environmentalists Only

We disagree with your Aug. 11 editorial opposing gas exploration in New Mexico’s Carson National Forest. Our reasons may be found in the last paragraph of that editorial. You’re right -- our national forests do belong to all people, not just to a privileged few environmentalists and nature worshipers. All people should be able to access and enjoy their forests, and if that means building more roads, so be it.

And you’re right -- some resource development is appropriate and should be based on the best use of the land. If the best use is as a source of domestic gas and oil to lower America’s dangerous dependence on foreign crude, then let’s make it happen -- in New Mexico, in Alaska or wherever.

President Bush seems to believe that the national parks belong to all of us. They do. What’s “two-faced” about that? Two-faced is preaching “green” while living in a wooden house heated by fossil fuel.


Barbara B. Schenach

Thomas A. Schenach

Huntington Beach
