
One Woman’s Heroic Crusade

Having just read Jon Krakauer’s “Under the Banner of Heaven,” I was very interested in the article on Flora Jessop and her crusade to free the women held captive by an extremist religion (“Flora’s War,” by Matthew Heller, Aug. 1). It is appalling to learn that this offshoot of the Mormon Church is subsidized by our welfare system and is allowed to practice polygamy with little interference from law enforcement agencies. Women raised in this environment are brainwashed into believing that they have no rights and must marry--often in their early teens--whoever is chosen for them, bear children and be a household drudge.

I am surprised that the Mormon Church is not helping stamp out this incestuous fringe sect by offering haven to runaways. If Jessop can get the attention of enough people, maybe something will be done about this intolerable situation.

Jean B. Rogers

Mission Viejo
