
Get Past Appearances in Democratic Primaries

I’m no Sen. John Kerry fan, but after I saw Steve Brodner’s cartoon (Commentary, Feb. 2), I thought ... so? Let’s talk about issues, not about noses, chins, etc. That was downright nasty.

Betts Harley

Costa Mesa


The message of Howard Dean as he began skyrocketing in the polls is now the message of all the Democratic candidates. But the other candidates joined ranks with the media to attack Dean with lies about him for the purpose of knocking him out of the race to the White House. There’s only one real Dean. Be aware of the clones!

Pia Mantovani-Sud

San Diego


Re “State Deserves Primary Role,” editorial, Feb. 2: Your rationale for advancing the date of our state’s presidential primary elections in order to give California more clout in selecting the nominee is a quote from Barron’s Weekly that “wherever America is going, California usually gets there first.” In light of the results of our recent gubernatorial election, this statement should result in a huge shudder from the rest of America.


Eleanor J. Michon



I don’t know William D. Robinson (letter, Jan. 31), even though we both live in the same town, but I would like to second his motion to form the New Democratic Party. As a former lifelong Democrat, it has been very painful for me to vote against the Democratic Party because of its platform regarding abortion and other moral issues. What is needed is a party that stands for the social justice the Democratic Party has always espoused, as well as Christian values. Maybe a Christian Democratic Party is the ticket. As it is, I don’t see anyone I could vote for in any existing party.

Sylvia T. Puentes

San Clemente
