
Intelligence Panel: Look at Who’s In, What’s Out

In view of all the CIA intelligence that was ignored and/or manipulated by the Bush administration in its rush to invade Iraq, including the yellowcake uranium fiasco, I find the administration’s effort to blame the CIA for faulty intelligence to be cowardly, deplorable and irresponsible. However, if a probe is to be undertaken, may I suggest that Valerie Plame be among the investigators? After all, she has significant CIA experience, and since being outed by the Bush administration because her husband (Joseph Wilson) dared to criticize the invasion plans, she might be in need of a job.

Steve Fisher



There is a fairly simple way to determine whether Bush’s blue-ribbon investigative commission will get to the facts about those spectral weapons of mass delusion. Just look for the “shall nots” built into the bylaws of the panel. If, for instance, the offices of Vice President Dick Cheney and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz are off limits to investigators, we will know from the beginning that we are getting smoke and mirrors, not facts.

Stephen C. Lee

La Habra
