
Rock education

Agustin GURZA’S story, “It’s the Word in Rock en Espanol” [Nov. 24] about the rock ‘n’ roll romance of Emilio Morales and Maria Madrigal, is another addition to the chronicles of my love affair with rock that began in 1955, when I was 11 years old.

Fittingly, as I write this, I am listening to Los Lonely Boys live in 2000, back when the present-day hit makers were paying their dues. The songs sung in Spanish are testimony to the fact that one can enjoy music sung in another language without understanding a word.

“La Banda Elastica,” the journal of Spanish rock ‘n’ roll that has existed for a dozen years and gone unnoticed by me, a monolingual music maven, is my new quest. Step aside Binx Bolling, here I come. I must corral every back issue I can locate, scan and feed them into the computer, pore over the translations that magic machine will provide, and fill in the gaping holes I just found are present in my cerebral Encyclopedia of Rock.


William S. Theaker

Santa Clarita
