
A walk through the snow can be a great workout too

As a winter sports activity, snowshoeing doesn’t have the high profile of downhill skiing or snowboarding. But along with allowing one to commune with nature away from lift lines and crowds, snowshoeing can provide a terrific cardio and leg workout, according to the author of “The Snowshoe Experience” (Storey Publishing, 2004).


The Snowshoe Experience: This comprehensive guide to snowshoeing offers a wealth of information about the sport, from gear and clothing to snowshoeing techniques, precautions for being outdoors, and exercise benefits. There are listings of snowshoe trails at resorts and national parks across the country, as well as various competitive events for those who get serious.

Colorado-based author Claire Walter writes that snowshoeing, on average, burns 25% more calories than a comparable exercise on dry land. And, she adds, it’s fairly easy to learn.


“Walking on snow has a cushioning effect,” says Walter, who’s been snowshoeing for a decade, “so it’s very kind on the joints. And you’re really working the leg and [gluteus] muscles. You’re also often in beautiful scenery, which is healthy for the mind and spirit as well as the body.”

Price: “The Snowshoe Experience,” $9.95, is available at bookstores.

-- Jeannine Stein
