
Bush Can’t Be Trusted on the Environment

Re “U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings,” Feb. 10: The Bush administration criticizes the Endangered Species Act for failing to restore healthy populations of wildlife, so its solution is to further weaken the act. The administration’s claims, however, are false. In addition to the bald eagle, recently recovered species include sea turtles, Florida manatees, California sea otters and black-footed ferrets in the northern Plains states.

Biologist Sally Stefferud of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said she was not surprised by the survey findings. “You really can’t trust the science coming out of the agency,” she said. With the complete loss of credibility, no future environmental policy should rely on data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered species should be listed according the findings of independent environmental groups.

Legislation to modify and weaken the Endangered Species Act is being moved through House and Senate committees, and the House Resources Committee is set to reexamine these bills in the 109th Congress. Governors in Western states, where nearly 70% of all endangered species are located, will vote on recommendations in March. It is time for some political pressure from California citizens on our own governor and representatives to vote against undermining the protection of endangered species.


Kathy Harty

