
Put the Opinion Back in Sunday Opinion

I purchase The Times every Sunday. The main reason is to read the Opinion section. One can find most of the usual daily news in almost any mainstream newspaper. Insightful editorial content, however, is often missing. But I note a discouraging tendency in your Opinion section. You are now featuring cartoons. In the Jan. 23 edition, I count almost one-third of the section constituted of cartoons. I like to read the funnies about as much as most people, and I think Michael Ramirez’s offerings are great. But I don’t read Opinion to read cartoons. You are diluting your otherwise sober and valued presentation by putting half-page, let alone full-page, cartoons in the section.

Charles W. Froehlich Jr.

San Diego


Why not add the horoscopes, Dear Abby and a recipe or two to the newly formatted Sunday Opinion. Together with comics, the inane columns of Joel Stein and Michael Lewis, cutesy quizzes and illustrated sound bites, the dumbing down of what was once the most insightful section of your newspaper will then be complete.

Pauline Regev

Santa Monica


Can someone explain why The Times published Michael Lewis’ “Domestic Drama” column (Jan. 23)? Drivel of the first water, the piece (or I should say, disconnected pieces) was poorly written, pointless and a waste of space. I could not, for once, contain my irritation at the amount of useless stuff you publish while cutting out other stuff to save newsprint.


Norman M. Lobsenz

Redondo Beach
