
Taking Steps to Close the State’s Education Gap

Re “Study Sees Lack of Educated Workers to Meet State Needs,” June 2: The study by the Public Policy Institute of California shows that our future economy needs more college-educated workers by 2025 or we face a weaker economy. In light of this projected shortfall and the growth in the 18- to 24-year-old population, California needs to ensure that community colleges and universities have the capacity to serve all of these students.

According to the California Postsecondary Education Commission, as many as 1.8 million qualified students could be turned away from California’s community colleges and universities in the next 10 years unless we take action now.

In order to close this education gap, the state will need to invest more in higher education, the institutions will need to be more efficient, and we need a long-term tuition and financial aid policy.


Michele Siqueiros

Associate Director

Campaign for College Opportunity, Los Angeles
