
Who Do We See in the Face of God?

Re “Our Father Is No ‘It’ or Gal God,” Opinion, June 19: Kudos to Dennis Prager for acknowledging the artificiality of his God’s masculinity, that mask being a mere psychological convenience. Prager admits that the Bible characterizes God as “sexually neuter” and “entirely devoid of sexual characteristics,” and, obviously, a biological trait such as gender cannot be possessed by a being who is neither biological nor material.

In order to qualify as supernatural, God must, tautologically, transcend the properties of nature. He therefore transcends not only the duality of male and female, but also (rather inconveniently for some people) the dualities of good and evil and of existence and nonexistence.

Jim Johnson



The patriarchy is alive and well, as evidenced from the publication of Prager’s anachronistic arguments that He is better than She.


Mary Ore

Santa Monica


Prager’s article gave me the best laugh of the Sunday paper. (“Men think more in terms of rules”? “The masculine image carries an authority that the feminine does not”? “Neither men nor women want to be ruled by a woman”? -- to quote just a few of the gems.) Seldom have I seen anybody put his foot in his mouth more deeply and more consistently. And I am not even a feminist.

Ruth Nussbaum

Sherman Oaks


Prager’s article said a whole lot more about his need to thump his chest and prove that he is a masculine man than it did to persuade me to let go of the feminine face of God. It must be terribly hard on him to remember that we are all, male and female, born of woman.

Carol Marshall

Yorba Linda
