
Two sides to debate over Proposition 73

You suggest that under Proposition 73 (editorial, Oct. 9), “moneyed” girls would “of course” evade parental notification by seeking abortions in Nevada or Oregon, while their “poor and working-class” counterparts would have to turn to their parents. It is disturbing that you build your case by discounting parental intervention in the minors’ abortion decisions, thereby elevating the guidance provided by others such as agenda-laden strangers and statutory-rapist boyfriends. Furthermore, I believe that you underestimate the ability of wealthy California parents to monitor the whereabouts of their kids.


Long Beach


Your teenage daughter, brought up in a loving environment, will seek your support if she needs an abortion. She will be frightened because she knows you will be angry and disappointed, but she can be persuaded to inform her parents. I have seen this girl in my pediatric office many times.

However, there is another teenager in my office. You have not noticed her. She has been raped. Her parents will beat or possibly kill her for bringing shame upon the family. It is for her sake that we must oppose Proposition 73.



