
Schools should offer alternative diplomas

The state Board of Education has taken the first step toward establishing new guidelines for reading and language arts (April 19). Now it needs to go further and create an alternative diploma for nonnative English speakers, or at least those who speak little or no English when they enter the ninth grade.

Those who want only a high school diploma should be able to opt for more English and reading classes instead of science, world history and, above all, algebra, which is the most ridiculous requirement of all for high school students except those planning to go to college immediately after high school.

Community colleges offer appropriate classes for students who want to continue their education because the results of incoming students’ entrance exams determine the most appropriate courses for them to start their college careers.


It’s time for the board to get a little creative and give all students -- native and nonnative English speakers -- the most equitable opportunity to graduate from high school.


Santa Maria, Calif.
