
Calls for Rumsfeld to leave

Re “Critics of the Iraq War Put Rumsfeld on the Defensive,” May 5

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern nailed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, charging that Rumsfeld told lies before and after the war in Iraq began. McGovern quoted Rumsfeld’s own words, and the secretary denied the charge (read Rumsfeld’s words in the transcript of the George Stephanopoulos talk show from March 30, 2003), and then made a joke about the situation. Mr. Secretary, the men and women in uniform dying for lies are no joke. Your resignation is past its sell-by date, sir.


North Hollywood


James Mann’s response to the question of how new White House Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten should deal with Rumsfeld (May 3) allows for a much simpler answer than the seven-step program he proposes. Our Defense secretary should be recognized not for what he is becoming but for what he already is: a major-league disaster for this nation and for the world. He should be fired.


Laguna Beach
