
Times’ siren hails end of World War

Nov. 11, 1918: The newspaper told readers: “Listen for The Times’ siren! The moment, day or night, that the word comes, officially confirmed, that the German envoys have signed the armistice agreement on behalf of their government, the great steam whistle on top of The Times Building at 1st and Broadway will let loose. There will be no doubt about it. The siren in times past has easily made itself heard at all points within a five-mile radius, but it has never blown as it will then.”

Peace arrived at midnight and the siren performed as promised, The Times reported:

“The historic ringing of the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall was duplicated when A.F. Frankenstein, director of the orchestra at the Orpheum Theater, one of the city’s fire commissioners, arose from his sickbed, muffled himself in an overcoat and tuned The Times’ siren to play “The Star-Spangled Banner.” It was heard throughout the city, the newspaper said.
