
A crime against nature

Re “Escaped tiger kills patron at S.F. Zoo,” Dec. 26

Concerning the report about a tiger that escaped confinement in San Francisco, killed one person and was shot to death by police, it seems to me that the headline should read, “How a tiger was locked up in a city of human beings.” That’s the crime. An innocent person might try to escape from prison after a wrongful conviction. If the escapee were subsequently shot and killed by police, wouldn’t the headline read, “Wrongly convicted escapee killed by police”?

Steve Schlein



Having had a Siberian tiger as maid of honor in my wedding, I have a great love for these magnificent cats -- as well as a healthy respect. They are wild, and they are unpredictable. Pretending otherwise while putting them in a cage is playing Russian roulette with someone else’s life. As an old commercial once informed us: “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!”

Sadly, around nature, we are far too often the fools.

Tim I. Martin

